REAL ESTATE We are a tripartite venture with our business focus on Real Estate, Agriculture, Oil & Gas and Football with considerable success stories since inception FOCUS AREA


This, in our conglomerate deals with investment, buying and sales of properties including land sales and management, housing, roads constructions and management and other real estate businesses.

With a unique vision to redefine the sector and compete favourably with top players in the industry based on integrity, trust, efficient and/or topnotch delivery of value to client locally and internationally, both in urban and suburban locations, we have assembled a workforce that understand this vision, with outstanding success stories.

Olukismet Real Estate covers both residential and commercial property; and in line with our underlying corporate philanthropy philosophy, we aim to contribute in ameliorating housing crisis by supporting to bridging the huge housing deficit in our cities through investment and convenient payment plans for our low and middle income clientele.

Customer satisfaction at all time defines our operation, and we seize every opportunity to innovate vis-à-vis industry demand to always meet the expectations of our customers.

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