AGRICULTURE We are a tripartite venture with our business focus on Real Estate, Agriculture, Oil & Gas and Football with considerable success stories since inception FOCUS AREA


According to a revealing statement by the World Bank, “Agriculture can help reduce poverty, raise incomes and improve food security for 80% of the world’s poor, who live in rural areas and work mainly in farming. The World Bank Group is a leading financier of agriculture, with US$6.8 billion in the new International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)/International Development Association (IDA) commitments in 2018”.

Nigeria’s potential in agriculture is huge; with favourable arable land, climate and abundance human resources, it is surprising that we are the poverty capital of the world.

Olukismet Agricultural Venture identified a unique market and potential in agriculture which remains one of the most important ways we can liberate our highly impoverish population.

Accounting for one-third of global gross-domestic product (GDP) in 2014 according to the World Bank, agricultural support scheme which our initiative strategically offer remains our escape route from the dire economic situation that we find ourselves.

Our understanding of the situation, which informs our strategies is that, it’s not much about whether majority of the populace are into agriculture, it’s much more about if they are profitably engaged in agriculture.

Hence, Olukismet Agriculture offers support such as provision of improved crops varieties and seedlings to farmers, new innovation in dairy and poultry farming, soft loans and donations of farm tools and machineries to local farmers.

Key Projects

Since inception of the Olukismet Agricultural support programme, we have successfully empowered farmers in “Kogi, Kastina, Ondo”, and several regions of the country.

Find the pictures below showing our key executed projects in agriculture.